Dyslexia Data Report
Dyslexia Data Report
Indiana Code, IC 20-35.5, et seq
Indiana Code, IC 20-35.5, et seq requires schools to universally screen all kindergarten, first and second grade students annually to identify students who may be "at some risk" or "at risk" for characteristics of dyslexia.
In accordance with the law, South Madison began screening during the 2019-2020 school year. Detailed plans for screening, intervention, professional development, public awareness, and parent communication have been established and implemented since the 2019-2020 school year. This work is in direct alignment with the SMCSC Board of School Trustees South Madison's Strategic Plan.
SMCSC Dyslexia Implementation
Following the requirements of the law, all SMCSC teachers have had dyslexia awareness training and primary teachers receive additional training from the district's reading specialist. Following the screening, parents receive notice regarding their child's results. If their child shows signs of the characteristics of dyslexia, parents receive information and a permission form to complete more in-depth Level 1 screening. Following parent approval, the Level 1 screener is completed and information is shared with parents on the results of the screener. During this process, any student who shows possible characteristics participates in the intervention. If at any time the parent would like to meet with the Reading Specialist to discuss results or programming, they are welcome.
Dyslexia Screeners
Universal Screener (K-2): NWEA Reading Fluency
Screener for upper grade levels: MindPlay Dyslexia Screener
Level 1 Testing: MA Rooney Foundation Level 1 Screeners
Certified Reading Specialists
Jill Mohr
Wendy Simmons
Beyond core instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics, students who demonstrate at-risk or some risk in regards to characteristics of dyslexia receive an additional block of time focusing on appropriate reading skills and strategies. SMCSC utilizes Recipe for Reading, FastForWord, and My Virtual Reading Coach (MVRC) by MindPlay. All provide explicit direct instruction that is systematic, sequential, and cumulative. These programs simultaneously use multiple sensory pathways to promote learning. For those familiar with the Orton-Gillingham (OG) framework, these programs are grounded in the OG framework.
2023-2024 Data Summary