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Response to Instruction

Elementary Programming Details for

Intervention, Success Block, and Mix It Up Time


SMCSC RTI Reading Structure

Tier I

Core Reading

90 min

Reading program within the classroom

Tier II


(Success Block or Mix-up Time)

30 min

Interventions – Focus on weakest area using one of the intervention strategies; small group (up to program limit or around 7)

Tier III

Addl. Intervention

30 min

Second intervention time; 1-3 students per group


Student reading programming will vary depending on individual need.

  • Assessment will include benchmark data, ISTEP+ results, and teacher input
  • Approximately 1-5% of students would typically be in Tier III or Tier IV (special groups)
  • The program structure will be determined at the Data Meeting with input from some or all of the following: Classroom teacher, Intervention teachers,  Instructional coach, Building administrator, School psychologist, and paraprofessionals.
  • Students in Tier II will be progress monitored every 2 weeks and Tier III will be progress monitored every week. The monitoring tool should parallel the students programming need.
  • For students in intervention, the data (benchmark and progress monitoring) will be reviewed every 6-8 weeks. After reviewing the data, the programming will either maintain course, be modified, be advanced with additional tiers, or be stopped. If the programming is stopped the student should be monitored by the classroom teacher and provided differentiation to help maintain growth. If the student is moved into Tier III, further testing should be conducted to help determine student’s areas of need.
  • This is NOT an annual cycle; data from previous years should be reviewed and considered. A student may move into a tier or into testing at any point during the school year if sufficient data has been accumulated over the student’s academic career.

    The Big 5 Ideas in Beginning Reading 

    Posted by John Wolf in Learning Connection 

Phonemic Awareness: The ability to hear and manipulate sounds in spoken words

Alphabetic Principle: The ability to associate sounds with letters and use these sounds to form words

Fluency with Text: The effortless, automatic ability to read words in connected text

Vocabulary: The ability to understand (receptive) and use (expressive) words to acquire and convey meaning

Comprehension: The complex cognitive process involving the intentional interaction between reader and text to convey meaning

SMCSC Intervention Program Descriptions