Maple Ridge Elementary Title 1
Vision: Maple Ridge Elementary is dedicated to the success of students, staff, parents, and the community. We will accomplish this by providing a welcoming, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.
Goals: Maple Ridge Elementary will improve student reading and mathematics achievement and growth as measured by NWEA. By Spring 2025, seventy percent (70%) of Maple Ridge students will meet or exceed his or her current NWEA Reading projected growth goal. Currently, an average of 56% of students are meeting or exceeding his or her growth goal on his or her NWEA Reading. By Spring 2025, eighty-five percent (85%) of Maple Ridge students will meet or exceed his or her current NWEA Math projected growth goal. Currently, an average of 71% of students are meeting or exceeding his or her growth goal on his or her NWEA Math.
Curriculum: Maple Ridge Elementary School uses the Indiana Academic Standards as a curricular framework. These standards can be accessed through the SMCSC website. District and school-wide leadership teams utilize an ongoing curriculum revision process. As a Title I Schoolwide School, the school implements programs and activities to ensure that students who have difficulty mastering proficient and advanced levels of academic achievement are provided with effective and timely additional assistance. To ensure students who have difficulty mastering content, the school implements the MTSS Response to Instruction (RTI) model for reading and mathematics.
Through this model, 90 minutes of reading/writing and 60 minutes of core mathematics instruction are provided daily, constituting Tier-I. Tier-II and Tier-III provide small group intervention to students demonstrating need based on normed assessments, classroom performance, and progress monitoring.
Key ELA and math learning tools include:
Reading, Language Arts, and Writing
SuperKids, K-1 Recipe for Reading, K-2 Into Reading, 2-6 Writable, 3-6 |
Mathematics | Everyday Math, K-6 |
Teachers within each grade level participate in data meetings to discuss student progress and benchmark results. In this data meeting, teachers, coaches, and administrators determine which students need intervention (Tier II and Tier III) and what intervention should the students participate in that best meets each student's needs.
Assessment data used to determine need includes:
Benchmark assessments |
Progress monitoring | NWEA Reading Fluency MVRC progress Reading Assistant progress |
Teacher input | Based on student's daily work, class assessments |
The key evidence-based strategies identified to support these goals include the implementation of professional learning communities to build collective teacher efficacy and ongoing improvement of evidence-based instructional strategies for all RTI levels. Collective teacher efficacy is shown to provide the most impact on student achievement based on the work of John Hattie.